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About Me

I've always been a seeker. For a considerable time, I sought happiness in all the wrong places, which resulted in the development of unhealthy habits and a great deal of suffering. This quest led to major anxiety, panic attacks, a struggle with binge eating, and alcohol abuse.

Several years ago, a spiritual understanding crossed my path at precisely the right moment. It dawned on me that what I had been searching for was, in fact, already within me. This realization forms the foundation of how I approach my yoga classes and offer guidance to my clients.

I hold the belief that yoga and mindfulness should be accessible to all. I've shared my teachings in diverse settings, from yoga studios and fitness centers to assisted living facilities and non-profit organizations. 

My life is enriched by a handful of simple pleasures: a warm cup of coffee in the morning, the nourishment of my curiosity through books, the comfort of a restful night's sleep, and the delight of getting to know extraordinary individuals.

Perhaps the most profound insight I've gained as a seeker is the recognition that "every emotion holds equal value."

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